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You and your constipation. Can you live together?

Constipation is a problem that affects 16 out of 100 people, while this percentage doubles in the elderly, over 60 years old (specifically 33 out of 100).

Whoever is constipated has difficulty having fewer than three bowel movements per week.

Lack of fiber, fluids, and exercise are the most common reasons, while other medical conditions or certain medications are less common.

Before we proceed, let's see in detail what constipation is;

1. It is a situation in which you may have hard stool, dry or bulky

2. difficult or painful extractions

3. there is a feeling that the bowel has not been completely emptied.

-Constipation is not a disease, but can be a symptom of another medical problem. Constipation can last for a short or long time.

- In chronic constipation someone has two or more of these symptoms for three months or more.

Who is more likely to experience constipation?

Certain people are more likely to experience constipation. These are:

1. Women during their pregnancy or after childbirth

2. elderly people

3. people who eat little to no fiber

4. people taking certain medications or nutritional supplements

5. people with certain health problems, including functional gastrointestinal disorders

How is constipation treated?

Constipation is usually treated with:

1. changes in diet and exercise. Changing one's diet plays a catalytic role in dealing with it, as fatty foods and sugar are replaced with good fats, fruits and vegetables.

2. limiting processed foods. Avoid products made from white wheat, as well as packaged foods.

3. consumption of probiotics. Include products such as kefir and yogurt in your diet.

4. the movement. If you want to see results, include walking in your daily routine, for 20 minutes. In this way, you help the movement of feces, inside the intestine.

5. increase in amount of water. The reason is that, in order to function, the intestine needs water (to break down the food). When the stools are hard and small, it means that you are dehydrated.

When to see your doctor?

See your doctor if:

1. Symptoms last more than three weeks.

2. You notice symptoms that make daily activities difficult.

3. You have rectal bleeding or blood on the toilet paper.

4. You have blood in your stool or black stool.

5. You have other unusual changes in stool shape or color.

6. You have a stomach ache that won't stop.

7. Weight loss is observed without effort.

Need more help?

With my diet plans, constipation will be a thing of the past, once and for all!

Tania L.

EasyFit Rehab Instructor

IBBFA Barre Instructor Level 1,2,3,PrePostNatal

Barre Eclipse Instructor

ISSA Certified Nutritionist

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer.

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