It's summer and there is nothing better than a delicious ice cream but you try to avoid it as you don't want to destroy your diet.
Here is a list of the calories that are hidden on an ice cream scoop.
Banana ice cream- 273 calories
Caramel ice cream- 227 calories
Chocolate chips ice cream- 155 calories
Chocolate ice cream- 156 calories
Coffee ice cream- 170 calories
Vanilla ice cream- 145 calories
French Vanilla ice cream- 145 calories
Vanilla cone- 230 calories
Strawberry ice cream-170 calories
Salted caramel ice cream- 330 calories
Tiramisu ice cream- 270 calories
In order to burn approximately 270 calories, you'll need to:
- Walk for 74 minutes
- Run for 26 minutes
- Bike for 36 minutes.
Do you need more help?
Contact me now.
Tania L.
ISSA Certified Nutritionist
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer